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"Brings Smallholder Farmers and Rural Community to Global Access Sustainably"
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  Penawaran Sewa Kelola Wisata Edukasi Kampong Kopi Bawakaraeng (klik saya)
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Ford Foundation
Supporting new models of public participation will help Indonesia emerge as an exemplar of how to promote tolerance, social equity and environmental sustainability.

The Regional Context

Indonesia has made remarkable progress in its transition from military rule to a thriving democracy. This reform process has given rise to decentralized governance, direct elections, laws that address the needs of the poor and underrepresented, strong civil society groups, and new platforms for public debate.

Despite these successes, state policy and program reforms have yet to address deepening poverty and persistent discrimination toward marginalized social groups. Indonesia is also experiencing increased environmental degradation and is the world's third-largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions.

Our Goal

The goal of our work is to create economic opportunity and offer increased access and participation in local governance for poor and socially marginalized communities.

Empowering marginalized groups by helping them to gain a stronger voice and a greater say in local decision making is essential to breaking old patterns of social exclusion and new patterns of economic disparity.

These priorities also include guaranteeing the realization of basic rights for all citizens across the diverse geography and culture of the Indonesian archipelago.
Sequis Center, 11th Floor Jl. Jend. Sudirman 71 Jakarta 12190, Indonesia
No Kegiatan Kerjasama  
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To help small coffee farmers to increase coffee production and gain better access to markets
Periode Kerjasama : 2013 - 2014
To help small coffee farmers in South Sulawesi implement good agricultural practices to increase coffee production and gain better access to markets.
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To assist small coffee farmers to increase coffee production and gain better access to markets
Periode Kerjasama : 2014 - 2016
To assist small coffee farmers in South Sulawesi with the implementation of good agricultural practices to increase coffee production and gain better access to markets
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Alamat Kantor Headquarter
Jl. A. Mappaoddang No. 39 D, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia
0411 831 221 ; info@yapensa.or.id
YAYASAN PENSA GLOBAL AGROMANDIRI All Rights Reserved. Created 2015. Supported by Ford Foundation.
  Developed by Irsyadi Siradjuddin